Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Simple but True

Hey PBC Youth,

This was in an email I received the other day. Let me know what you think of it.

Luv yall,
Dale <><

A father wanted to read a magazine but was being bothered by His little
Girl, Shelby.. She wanted to know what the United States looked Like.

Finally, he tore a sheet out of his new magazine
On which was printed the
Map of the country. Tearing it into small pieces,
He gave it To Shelby and
Said, "Go into the other room and see if you can
Put this Together. This will show you our whole country today."

After a few minutes, Shelby returned and handed
Him the map, correctly fitted and taped together.
The father was surprised and asked How she had
Finished so quickly. "Oh," she said,"on the other
Side of the Paper is a picture of Jesus. When I got all of Jesus back
Where He belonged, then our country just came together."


Anonymous said...

hi guys this is emily spangler i just wanted to say hi and i miss you guys at polkville i never get to come see you guys!! i hope to see you guys soon!!
love you guys!

Dale said...

Hey Emily,

It is good to hear from you. I am glad you are checking out the blog. I look forward to seeing you soon.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

haha i just noticed i said "guys" alot haha im gonna say dudes from now on!! anyways it was really cool to see some of you dudes at the ball game!!! lydia has really grown up!!!
love ya

Erica said...

This is Erica i come one night to the youth and i really liked it. Ya'll guys did good on the skit you guys were practicing called the well .this is a awesome poem.... hope to see ou guys soon...

Dale said...


We are glad you were there last night. Most Wednesday nights our we meet in our different mission groups such as GAs, RAs, HSBYM, and other groups. Last night was kind of different because we are getting ready for Youth Sundy in a couple of weeks. Our youth normally meet on Sunday nights 6-8 PM except during the summer when we meet at different people's houses (normally at a pool) and they last till 8:30. We would love for you to start coming and get active with us. This week is our last summer meeting. Email me at if you want more details.

God Bless and I hope to see you at church!