Thursday, September 6, 2007


I personally want to thank everyone who took part in Decision Weekend. Josh, Megan, Joanna, and Michael all did a GREAT job with small groups. Bill and Chrissy and Tony and Susan were awesome troopers for staying all night at the lock-in. And Mary, Dan, Susan, Renee', and Pete were awesome to volunteer time on Saturday afternoon to drive small groups around to hang Awakening Door Hangers. Every person who helped is very much so apprectiated!

Maybe some of you Youth have a comment of praise you would like to pass along to one or more or the DECISION WEEKEND HELPERS, if so post it to this blog for all to read.

You Youth are Awesome!
Dale <><

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was cool. Thanks to allt he adults who stayed up all night with us youth. muahuahuahuah
Can't wait for the retreat.