Monday, May 5, 2008

What is going on with you today?

Hey everyone, I hope you are haveing a wonderful day!
Let me know what is going on with you, so I can keep you in my prayer.

I love you all!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited about our blog. I hope all of you will use it so we can learn from each other as well as keep up with one another.

Have a GREAT day!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dale I am great, it is a great day in the Lord. Hey to all the youth Tony and I love you very much. Have a good week and we will see yall Wednesday!!!
Tony and Susan B

Anonymous said...

Hi Dale! i'm having a pretty good day so far!! =] hopefully it'll stay this way through out the day! but let em go do some of this work! but i hope you have a wonderful day as well!!! =]

I love you .!*

<3 -- Hillary

Anonymous said...

hey dale im having a good day i hope you are imcoming to youth tonight so i'll see you there
love ya man

Anonymous said...

Heyy Dale!
I'm having a wonderful day!: )I'm getting really excited about Comedy Barn coming up! Also to all the youth... Thank you all so much for "accepting" me into your group! You don't know how hard it is to move churches and have to make new friends with people, and re-aquaint. I'm having a blast @ PBC and you have all made it better!

Love you!


Anonymous said...

Hey Bird Man,
my dad is goin pretty good. I hope yours is too.Im so happy i dont have homework this weekend.Im excited bout comdey Barn and this summer.I cant wait to gat away and have fun and wittness to other people.Its goin to be so much fun!Imreally Excited about that!Well im goin to go.See ya tonight at youth!
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

5For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

6For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

7Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

8So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

9But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
we love you guys, God bless you all we love working and worshiping with yall.Tony and Susan

Anonymous said...

yeah abby the youth have accepted you we are glad you have accepted us too!!!!we all love you, and caroline, learn to spell lol

Anonymous said...

Heyy Dale! I'm having a fantastic day/week so far! Soccer is starting to wear me down a little bit. But otherwise I'm GREAT! I hope you have been having a good week I'll see you Wednesday.

Love you!


Anonymous said...

hey dale and everybody, hope yall are having a good week, we have so much already planned out to do this summer i am so excited for you all, i will help yall and or dale in anyway i can. i am so proud of yall for being so commited to the projects. i hope you will stay committed to the main project, spreading Gods word to others and showing others you are a christian, God has given you all such a wonderful tallent and opportunity, please take advantage of it and go wild with the love of Jesus and his crusade!!!!! i love you all God bless you
susan b

Anonymous said...

Hey Dale
Just wanted to say how much the youth group at PBC means to me & Susan. I feel like in the 15 months that we've been here the youth have accepted us as two of their own. I can't tell u how thankful I am to be a part of such a great youth group. I also appreciate you and all you do for the youth and kids @ PBC. To all the youth: I love you all and look forward to another great year at PBC. Thanks for letting Susan and I be apart of your lives.

In God's love
Tony B.

Anonymous said...

hey dale im having a good day and i hope that you are to i'm TRYING yo behave but i cant make any promises on that one but i'll try see you you sunday man

love ya,

Anonymous said...

Heyy Dale and Every body!
YAYY it's finally friday!! I have been so stressed out this week, wayy to many tests! I'm so glad I'm going to have a few days to relax! Anyway my day has been wonderful!
: )


Anonymous said...

Heyy Dale,
I had a wonderful day. We had a soccer game today at West Lincolon and we won!! YAY the score was 6 to 0. We have a game tomorrow, at East Lincolon. So I'm really tired! but I'm having FUN!
: )

Anonymous said...

yeah abby i am glad u won ur game, it is almost time for softball, and comedy barn, and rodeo, lets all get together and have fun, and mostly celebrate our Lord God and how thankful we are to have him in our life, we are so lucky to have the feedom to worship, we love Dale and for what all he does for the youth, Dale u go above and beyond and i hope the youth realize how much u care for them
susan b

Anonymous said...

We lost our soccer game... but with great battle.
I just want to remid everyone of something in the bible or a proverb or something... when someone slaps you on the cheeck turn your head and let them do the same to the other one. It's just the christian thing to do.

: (


Anonymous said...

hey dale ur hair looks great better than ever lol...have a great week, God bless u 4 all u do with the youth. we love ya
tony and susan b

Anonymous said...

Heyy Dale
Oh My tomorrow is the championship game against Crest :/ I'm just kind of a little nervous. Please pray for me and the whole team, that no one is injured, and that we do the best we can and do it all for him. I would really appreciate it!!
Love all you guys!!

: )


Anonymous said...

Hey dale,=]
I had a pretty good day today.Now Im having to work really hard to get my grades up.I dont like studying lol.But all in all i have had a good week.Hope you do to!!C ya Sunday.
Love Ya,<3

Anonymous said... youth camp june 25-29 be there contact dale 4 more

Anonymous said...

Cool. Thanks for giving me the link agian.
Today I had a physical and did pretty good... i think :p NOt much else really.
Nicholas B.

Anonymous said...

~Hey Dale~
Our examies start tomorrow I hope I pass.Remember to pray for everyone this week Plzzz.
Um today was alright.Im just tired of goin to school but only 4 more days!!! YAAA! So thats whats keeping me going.Haha and its been a tiring day like all mondays but this is the last monday as a freshman....I hope. I hope your having a great begining of the week! C Ya Later!! =]
~Love Ya~
Caroline <3

Anonymous said...

Heyy Dale,,,

it's katlyn!! and i'm sOOOOO sorry i cant come down with yall on saturday to world changers.:[ but im trying to talk daddy into coming down saturday nite. but fi not i'll be A.S.A.P on sunday!!! well i guess i will talk to you at the meeting wednesday, i have to go plan stuff for camporee!

love ya! :]

**katlyn :]

Anonymous said...

Well school has started again. *big sigh* Have a good year all.
------------Nicholas B.------------

Anonymous said...

sup dale im at school suppossed to be doing a project but got bored an decided to blog on here lol well im having a good valentines day an hope u are . . . well i better go before get in trouble lol

well love man see ya sunday

Anonymous said...

oh yeah that was me up there lol. . . storm

Anonymous said...

Been awhile since I've been here. What's with the website? We still have something about a Super Bowl party. :p
Nicholas B.

Dale said...

Nic, Thanks for keeping me up to date on the website. I just haven't had a chance to clean it up lately. Thanks for the blog. Love ya man, Dale

Anonymous said...

What's up wonderful youth group... Well soccer cuts are posted tomorrow... I'm a little nervous, there's been some tough comp. Dale, you should put something on here about drama... anyway. hope you guys have all had a good week, good luck in Comedy Barn... can't wait!!!!

Peace Lovees!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... it's been like a year since i've posted. lol
P.S.--- sorry random thing i just noticed

Anonymous said...

heyy dale!!
hey this is emily and please pray for element. Its a church we are helping support were starting out and its AMAZING what Gods doing!!!! so just pray that i dont screw up or anything...
love ya

Anonymous said...

hey im in 1st period and i got done with my work so i thought i would leave you something :)
my day is good so far but yet again its only 1st period!
Ivy is beside me and she says hey :)
i love you! have a great day!
-Katlyn :)

Anonymous said...

dang no one has got on here in a while! i say we go throwback this year w/ comedy barn an bring "hee-haw" back for one year!! im in english so i get off now!!:) love...anonymous!!