Hey everyone, I hope God is blessing you big time.
I want to let you in on a big event coming to our area. The Awakening 2009 is our Big Tent Revival and Clay Crosse is coming to lead worship and Christian Chapman is the evangelist. The Awakening is September 13 - 16 at 7:00 PM nightly. I hope you will come and bring your friends who may not know Jesus.
I want to let you in on a big event coming to our area. The Awakening 2009 is our Big Tent Revival and Clay Crosse is coming to lead worship and Christian Chapman is the evangelist. The Awakening is September 13 - 16 at 7:00 PM nightly. I hope you will come and bring your friends who may not know Jesus.
Click on this link to go to our website and see some awesome pictures and to see more info on Clay and Christian.